Thursday, April 10, 2014

An Introduction

The whole purpose of this blog is discuss strange, wonderful, odd, and pretty fairy tales. I have always loved fairy tales and have read many different collections. My favorite, however, and the color fairy books by Andrew Lang. He collected stories from around the world into a huge series of illustrated volumes. However, they have all been digitized and most, if not all, are available online for free at Project Gutenberg!

Here's some cool information about the Andrew Lang books:
  • Snow White is referred to as Snowdrop in The Red Fairy Book
  • He compiled 12 volumes, collecting a total of around 437 tales.
  • Upon rereading some of the volumes, M.M. Kaye was inspired to write "The Ordinary Princess", which is my all time favorite book.
  • The colors make little sense. In order of publication, they are: Blue, Red Green, Yellow, Pink, Grey, Violet, Crimson, Brown, Orange, Olive, and Lilac.
  • They are also referred to as the Rainbow Fairy Books, although the colors don't match up with any rainbow I know of.
For my next post, I will actually talk about a specific fairy tale! Be sure to tune in.

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